Most Australians spend 107% of their income, 82% of Australians currently retire on a pension, 8 out of 10 Australians don’t believe they have enough super to live out their years.
Are you being a good steward of your life? Do you take action to ensure your money will outlive you, and not the other way around?
The Best DIY Retirement Planning Tool
It’s nice and simple to use; click the link above and just plug in a few numbers such as your current age, desired retirement age, your current savings, savings per month, estimated investment returns, inflation and tax rates, and of course withdrawals for retirement and other cost of living such as school fees.
The Flexible Retirement Planner uses stochastic optimization of the retirement portfolio asset allocations and withdrawals, since this is considered the only method providing a realistic simulation taking risk into account. [read more]
It is simply the best DIY retirement planning tool out there, and it’s totally free to use. Due to the compounding effect of interest and investment returns sooner you get started the better.
Should you need a bit more help, feel free to get in touch 🙂
Get started today on a proven path to ethical prosperity with no obligations!
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