“Sensing a profound potential
There’s a greater and higher purpose for our lives. A profound potential, not only for our own lives to up-level, to shift, but ultimately for a different order of being human to emerge, for humanity’s better nature, its higher nature to come forth and begin to lead instead of hiding in the shadows. And we want to participate in that higher emergence. In the midst of our often busy committed modern lives, hyper-communicated lives, it’s hard to give this higher calling the importance that it deserves. There are just so many different competing priorities, prioritizing the thing that ultimately matters most can be a very challenging thing, to consistently put it first.
Small context
When we think about our spiritual growth or our personal growth or transformational process, we tend to think about it in terms of what’s in it for us. We tend to think about it in a small context like, well, I want to be happier, I want to be more fulfilled, I want to be more centered, I want to be more peaceful, less anxious. I want to . . . right?
That’s natural and we all should have happier, more fulfilled, more centered, more peaceful lives. We all do and if we do real spiritual work we will, but the problem is the quest for self-fulfillment, self-improvement is just too small a context. It’s too small a motivation to really catalyze any meaningful change. Certainly it’s not going to propel us to radically evolve beyond ego or undergo an authentic spiritual awakening and transformation.
Hold a larger perspective
There is a possibility for human beings to live together in a cooperative way, a potential for a highly creative, flourishing society in which all of us are empowered to give our gifts and to thrive and evolve to our full potential. there’s a completely different order of being human that’s possible and that when enough of us step into it together that we would give birth to an authentic, enlightened humanity and culture that could be the solution to everything that ails us as a human community, that we could solve all the problems, maybe not all at once, but all the obstacles to solving them would be removed.
Primitive unevolved nature
Which obstacles? Our primitive, unevolved nature. The world we’re living in is so far removed from that vision. It’s so far away from that potential that seems so real, And many of us feel so much pain at this that we shield ourselves from it. The only way we’re going to get there to that potential is to evolve human nature; it’s to evolve the human condition.
This is the great evolutionary challenge of our moment. We can try to change society in a million ways and we should. But unless we actually evolve what it is to be a human being, we’re going to have the same problems that have faced all societies since the beginning of time.
There is another operating system
The reality is that there is another operating system that exists within all of us. It’s ready for us to awaken to it, to bring it out of the background, and then begin to learn to align with it, to allow it to begin to run our lives, to allow it to be the source of who we are, to be where we stand and where we live from, and to then in a sense flow through us into the world unhindered by the habit patterns of our past. And when we learn how to do this, how to unleash this divine nature, everything changes completely. We become liberated from our neuroses, from all our self-limiting beliefs and our unconscious habits of relating to life from a small, insecure, constructed sense of self. We become powerful beyond measure but not from a personal source of power and not in a way that is all about us getting what we want or having influence. But we become powerful, meaning that we become empowered by a deeper source to be able to live our lives wholeheartedly and freely in alignment with the greater good, in service to a deeper, higher calling. We become filled with a kind of unconditional care, a care that’s without limits, a love that has no limits, for this whole process.
Higher possibility for humanity
It’s no longer personal purpose. It’s no longer about, “Well, what’s my personal gift and contribution to this world?” It’s a knowing of who we are and why we’re here beyond all the particulars, beyond, “Well, what specific things am I going to do to contribute to life in the world and make my contribution?” It’s “I’m here to participate in this larger universe project, this project, this process of unfolding consciousness, of the emergence of a wisdom culture, of the birth of love with a capital “L” as the prime currency for human engagement.”
We’re facing a plethora of global problems, looming potential crises, all arising out of our lack of consciousness in our relentless pursuit of short-term self-interests. There’s a much bigger game to be played, that the structures of the world are so deeply embedded in primitive unhealthy patterns, that even trying to fix the world or fix ourselves within the current conventional world frames and our current self-identity would never be enough to get us where we need to go individually or collectively.
But beyond even all of the specific society and environmental crises that are kind of looming and being spoken of, there’s a deep urgency that arises from the recognition of how extraordinary life could be; that human beings could create a different kind of society, that we could cooperate. We could come together committed to the emergence of the greatest possible good and higher human flourishing on every level. We recognize that if the human predicament’s going to change in a meaningful way, some of us have to be the pioneers who evolve ourselves, our humanity, our individual nature, and our collective habits. We recognize that for these very specific reasons having to do with our time in history and the social and environmental crises, we need to evolve and it’s real. “
-Craig Hamilton, 2010,
Awakening to an Evolutionary Relationship to Life
“Ahimsa leads to the highest ethics which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.”
– Thomas Edison
“Truth is my religion and Ahimsa is the only way of its realization.”
– Gandhi
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