Abundance for all living beings
Most Australians spend 107% of their income, 82% of Australians currently retire on a pension, 8 out of 10 Australians don't believe they have enough super to live out their years. Be a good steward of your life. Take action today to ensure your money will outlive you, and not the other way around.
Conventional businesses and investing aims to maximise shareholder value, which comes at a very high external cost: 21,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to the United Nations. 82% of starving children live in countries where food is fed to animals, and the animals are eaten by western countries. Worldwide, at least 50% of grain is fed to livestock. We are currently growing enough food to feed 10 billion people.
Animal agriculture is responsible for up to 91% of Amazon destruction. 136 million rainforest acres cleared for animal agriculture. 1-2 acres of rainforest are cleared every second. Up to 137 plant, animal and insect species are lost every day due to rainforest destruction. 1,100 Land activists have been killed in Brazil in the past 20 years. 414 billion dollars in externalized cost from animal ag.
Livestock is responsible for 65% of all human-related emissions of nitrous oxide – a greenhouse gas with 296 times the global warming potential of carbon dioxide, and which stays in the atmosphere for 150 years.
Stop buying their products, and pull the rug under their feet by stop investing in their businesses. Create financial freedom that is aligned with your values and at the same time ensure abundance for humans, animals and Mother Earth.

Your Cruelty Free Wealth Strategy will provide a simple, powerful, and affordable all in one complete solution to get you to financial freedom while staying aligned with your values.
Holistic Cruelty Free Wealth
A team of wealth facilitators covering all facets of proven wealth strategies including shares, bonds, managed funds, super, property, tax efficiency and cash flow are the beginning benefits of your Cruelty Free Wealth Strategy. Experience the peace of mind that comes with being on the path to financial freedom, knowing you at the same time benefit people, our planet and animals.
The perfect ethical prosperity frame
Once we together have worked through your Cruelty Free Wealth Strategy, it is time to start taking action and implement. A facilitator is with you to empower you all the way with education, analysis, design, and implementation. Do not settle for cookie cutter when you can customise every aspect of your holistic financial freedom strategy until it is a perfect match for your unique circumstances and values.
The Cruelty Free Wealth Strategy will map out and teach you everything you need to know in order to get you to ethical financial freedom starting from where you are, only with what you have got.
Your Strategy Covers
- Savings and Investment
- Retirement and Super
- Property Research and Acquisition
- Mortgage and Insurance
- Tax Efficiency and Optimisation
- Financial Mentoring
- Health-Wealth Habits
Supports Investments In
- Environmental management and reporting
- Environmentally beneficial products and services
- Human rights policies and labour standards
- Health and safety management
- Animal welfare and protection
Avoids Investments In
- Animal Harm -any exploitation of animals for food and non-food
- Genetic Modification - animals and plants for research and food
- Banks - financing of environmentally and socially controversial projects
- Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling
- Human Rights Abuses
Don’t take our word for it
"Our world hangs in the balance,
and a precarious balance it is."
Who is it for?
This is for everyday working Australians who are ready to invite abundance into their life and are willing to take action, starting from where you are at today, with what you have got right now. We will teach you everything you need to know in order to walk towards financial freedom the cruelty free way.
How does it work?
A facilitator will sit down with you and together go through a Financial Fact Find which is a snapshot of where you are, and where you want to get to, so specific action can be mapped out to plug the gaps.
Will my information be kept confidential?
Absolutely. Your information will never be shared with any third parties, and only used to customise a Cruelty Free Wealth Strategy for you.
Who is it not for?
It is not for large egos who only care about themselves, or those who rather follow the mainstream crowd.
This is not for those looking for a get rich quick scheme or wishful thinking. Taking action and implementing the Cruelty Free Wealth Strategy will get you to ethical financial freedom.
What will I get?
Based on the Financial Fact Find, a Cruelty Free Wealth Strategy will be prepared, and a facilitator will walk you through it, as well as mentor you through the implementation and follow up with you on a regular basis.
What is the difference between a financial advisor and a facilitator?
A financial advisor is typically managing your assets, while a facilitator is here to educate, open up a new world of possibilities and empower you to be in charge.
Cruelty Free Wealth Strategy
Free 30 minutes consult. No obligations.